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First payment cards to students from ARMBUSINESSBANK


Being keen on quality education and encouraging the activities of people engaged in the field, ARMBUSINESSBANK recently handed over payment cards to Gayane and Elen, students from Bank partner, Vahan Teryan Basic School No. 60 Yerevan. The students were awarded scholarships for successful participation in the Republican Olympiad in German language.

Hereafter, students having received 1st and 2nd degree diplomas will receive their scholarships on Mastercard Standard from ARMBUSINESSBANK cards issued with top-up to incentive amount and on the terms of 2 years’ free of charge service. Anichka Iskandaryan, school principal, proudly emphasized the importance of financial literacy, pointing out that while in Germany on exchange programs the students make card purchases more often and are better informed on such matters than the elder generation.

“I shall never forget that I received my first bank card from ARMBUSINESSBANK,” noted one of the students while sharing her impressions.

The school teachers and parents thanked ARMBUSINESSBANK management for the useful presence of the Bank supporting the clients as well as for giving incentive gifts, apart from provision of high-quality banking services.

AMIO BANK is supervised by the Central Bank of RA

Updated 03.05.2024 13:54

+374 10 59 20 20

Head Office: 48 Nalbandyan st., Yerevan, 0010, RA

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License of the Central Bank of Armenia #40 issued on 10.12.1991
AMIO BANK is the legal successor of ARMBUSINESSBANK.

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The Bank is supervised by the Central Bank of Armenia