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Deposits, bonds, investment services

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Services associated with custody of securities

  • Opening, change, maintenance and closing of securities accounts
  • Operations associated with transfer of securities
  • Pledge of securities and termination of the pledge
  • Blocking and unblocking of securities and securities accounts
  • Provision of statements of account and other information to the holder of securities account

Important note

The Bank charges commission for provision of services according to the tariffs approved by the Executive Board of the Bank. Commissions are charged to the Customer's bank account based on Customer instructions given at the end of the transaction.
The exchange of information between the bank and the client is carried out in paper or electronic form. Transactions in securities are delivered by written order in 2 copies and submitted by 10:00 a.m. of business day.
The contract enters into force and is valid for an indefinite period. In case of contract termination, the balance on Customer’s depot account is transferred to the depot account registered with another sub-depository of the Customer.
Experience in securities is required for investments. When carrying out transactions with securities, all risks are borne by the client. The Bank DOES NOT INDEMNIFY the customer for losses, unless they are caused by the Bank negligence and/or dishonesty.

Updated 30.01.2025 10:30

+374 10 59 20 20Head Office: 48 Nalbandyan st., Yerevan, 0010, RA


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Neither is "AMIO BANK" CJSC liable for the accuracy of the content of information linked on the websites of third parties about the terms and fee schedule for the services rendered by the Bank.

License of the Central Bank of Armenia #40 issued on 10.12.1991
AMIO BANK is the legal successor of ARMBUSINESSBANK.

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The Bank is supervised by the Central Bank of Armenia