
Amio Era. Memorandum was signed with the Armenian National Agrarian University


Amio Bank and Armenian National Agrarian University signed a memorandum of cooperation within the scope of Amio Era charity program. Within the framework of the memorandum high-achieving students of the university will have an opportunity to participate in the Amio charity program and to receive one-year tuition reimbursement from the Bank, later on, to work in the Bank as well. Via this educational charity program, Bank tries to encourage high achievement and also wants to make small investing in the education and future of Armenia. The program has already launched. To participate and find out more about the program, visit the website The deadline is June 29. Education is an opportunity...

AMIO BANK is supervised by the Central Bank of Armenia

Updated 19.06.2024 07:16

+374 10 59 20 20Head Office: 48 Nalbandyan st., Yerevan, 0010, RA


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License of the Central Bank of Armenia #40 issued on 10.12.1991
AMIO BANK is the legal successor of ARMBUSINESSBANK.

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The Bank is supervised by the Central Bank of Armenia