Become a client

Opening and Maintenance of Accounts

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can open AMD and foreign currency accounts in AMIOBANK for free. There is no account maintenance fee charged.

List of documents for opening bank or impersonal metal accounts for legal entities-residents:

  • The Charter with all its amendments and additions
  • Extract from the Unified State Register, provided by the State Register of Legal Entities of the Ministry of Justice of Armenia
  • For joint-stock companies - a list of owners (nominee holders) of securities or an extract from the register of shareholders provided by a specialized organization that maintains the register of owners (nominee holders) of nominal securities
  • Identity card and social card number of the head of the executive body or the acting head, or a note on the person’s refusal of a social card (not required when presenting an identification card)
  • Identity documents - for individuals who own 10 or more percent of shares, stakes of the Client's statutory capital
  • For legal entities that own 10 or more percent of shares, stakes of the Client’s statutory capital - documents specified in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this sub-appendix
  • In case of an authorized person – a power of attorney
  • Application agreement for opening an account
  • Card with signature samples and/or seal imprint (if any)
  • Copies of identity documents of persons entitled to 1 and 2 signatures on the signature card


All copies of documents are submitted with the mark “True to original”, signed by the head of the executive body, or acting head, certified by the Client’s seal (at the Client’s request), with the exception of the original power of attorney submitted by an authorized person. If necessary, other documents established by the procedure "On combating money laundering and terrorist financing" of ARMBUSINESSBANK may be requested.


Minimum balance of the Client's account (for all accounts)

For legal entitles of RA

15 000

For individual entrepreneurs

5 000

Annual interest rate applied to the daily account balance

For AMD accounts


For currency accounts


Commission for cash withdrawal from the clients account

Dram RA


US dollar


Other freely convertible currency

Daily tariff package

Updated 12.11.2024 11:59

+374 10 59 20 20Head Office: 48 Nalbandyan st., Yerevan, 0010, RA


Mobile apps

In case of any inconsistency between the information published in Russian and English, you need to be guided by Armenian version.
"AMIO BANK" CJSC is not liable for the accuracy of the content of any linked websites, as well as for the advertisements and possible consequences resulted from the use of information provided on the linked websites by the third parties.
Neither is "AMIO BANK" CJSC liable for the accuracy of the content of information linked on the websites of third parties about the terms and fee schedule for the services rendered by the Bank.

License of the Central Bank of Armenia #40 issued on 10.12.1991
AMIO BANK is the legal successor of ARMBUSINESSBANK.

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The Bank is supervised by the Central Bank of Armenia