Other services
Deals with securities
'AMIO BANK' CJSC affiliated to the Securities Registration and Settlement Unified System of 'Central Depository of Armenia' and was granted Account Operator status. The system is first of all aimed at improving services associated with securities custody and registry keeping rendered to shareholders, aligned with best international standards.

Services associated with custody of securities:
- Opening, change, maintenance and closing of securities accounts
- Operations associated with transfer of securities
- Pledge of securities and termination of the pledge
- Blocking and unblocking of securities and securities accounts
- Provision of statements of account and other information to the holder of securities account

Services associated with registry keeping:
- Keeping and maintaining a registry for securities
- Registration of operations associated with securities underwriting
- Registration of operations related to corporate actions
- Registration of changes to the Issuer information
- Providing the list of registered securitie’s holders and other information to the Issuer
Additional services
- Services related to payment, repayment of coupon bonds, payment of dividends
- Executes securities operations on its own behalf or on behalf and on the account of customer
- Notifying the Issuer on the securities movement (securities transfer orders) and arrest on a pledge basis
Intermediary services
- Accepts client orders for the execution of securities deals
- Executes securities operations on its own behalf or on behalf and on the account of customer
- Executes securities operations on its own account or on its behalf
Updated 12.06.2024 13:21